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为了科学利用频振式杀虫灯防治苎麻Boehmeria nivea(Linn)Gaudich害虫,明确苎麻田主要灯诱昆虫种类及其灯下诱集动态,于2012年4月~9月在湖北省咸宁地区进行了苎麻田频振式杀虫灯诱虫试验。结果表明:频振式杀虫灯在苎麻田诱杀害虫4目9科19种,地下害虫种类较多,主要包括金龟子、叩甲、天牛、蝼蛄、拟步甲和地老虎等6类。地下害虫又以金龟子为主,主要有华北大黑鳃金龟、铜绿丽金龟、黑绒鳃金龟、斑喙丽金龟、鲜黄鳃金龟、暗黑鳃金龟等6种。金龟子从4月中旬至9月初均灯下可见,以6~7月为诱集高峰期。主要诱集天敌昆虫为步甲、隐翅甲、寄生蜂和瓢虫等4类,除步甲外,其它3类诱集量相对较小,步甲诱集高峰期为4月下旬至5月上旬。频振式杀虫灯最佳使用时间为6~7月,在此期间诱杀苎麻田金龟子类地下害虫数量大、种类多,且避免大量杀伤天敌昆虫。频振式杀虫灯在苎麻田金龟子类地下害虫预测预报和防治中具有较好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   
To study the effects of different durations of forward masker sound on neuronal firing and rate-intensity function (RIF) of mouse inferior collicular (IC) neurons, a tone relative to 5 dB above the minimum threshold (re MT+5 dB) of the best frequency of recorded neurons was used as forward masker sound under free field stimulation condition. The masker durations used were 40, 60, 80, and 100 ms. Results showed that as masker duration was increased, inhibition in neuronal firing was enhanced (P < 0.000 1, n = 41) and the latency of neurons was lengthened (P<0.01, n = 41). In addition, among 41 inhibited IC neurons, 90.2% (37/41) exhibited narrowed dynamic range (DR) when masker sound duration was increased (P < 0.000 1), whereas the DR of 9.8%(4/41) became wider. These data suggest that masking effects of different durations of forward masker sound might be correlated with the amplitude and duration of inhibitory input to IC neurons elicited by the masker sound. __________ Translated from Journal of Central China Normal University (Nat. Sci.), 2005, 39(2): 236–240 [译自: 华中师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 2005, 39(2): 236–240]  相似文献   
Effects of repeated carbon-dioxide anaesthesia during larval development on the number of moults, larval duration, and the body size of resulting adults were investigated. Concentration of carbon dioxide administered was 70%, and each period of anaesthesia lasted for 3 min. Anaesthesia administered twice a week until the 3rd instar increased the number of instars required to reach maturity. However, repeated anaesthesia after the 4th instar scarcely influenced the number of instars. On the other hand, repeated anesthesia prolonged larval duration whenever administered during the early or late instars. It is thus suggested that anaesthesia by carbon dioxide during larval development has two distinct effects: increasing the number of moults and prolonging larval duration. The former is stage specific and effective only during early instars, whereas the latter is effective during any particular instars until the last instar. The body size of resulting adults remained almost the same as for controls even after the repeated carbon-dioxide anaesthesia as many as 14 times. Some further observations concerning correlations between the number of moults, larval duration and adult body size are shown, and differences between the sexes regarding the number of instars and larval duration are also presented.  相似文献   
广布种昆虫可调节其生活史以适应栖息地的条件变化,如可以通过调节自身的生长发育和繁殖期,使其发生与栖息地的物候(如食料、气温和降雨等)同步,这对昆虫在栖息地的繁衍具有十分重要的意义。亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis为玉米主要害虫,在中国从南到北都有分布,栖息地气候也不同,不同地理种群生活史发生了分化,如化性、临界光周期、滞育后羽化时间、体重和体型、繁殖力和抗寒力等均不同。然而该虫发育历期的地理变异尚未见系统报道。为此,详细比较了来自5个亚洲玉米螟不同地理种群即广西阳朔(YS)、江西南昌(NC)、山东泰安(TA)、河北廊坊(LF)和黑龙江哈尔滨(HEB)在20—31℃下卵、幼虫、蛹发育历期及其与栖息地纬度的关系。结果表明:不同温度下的不同地理种群的卵期不存在显著差异,在20、22和25℃下,卵期从南到北稍有延长,卵期与其栖息地纬度呈正相关;但在28℃下,不同地理种群的卵期基本相等,与纬度相关性不显著。在31℃下,不同地理种群的幼虫期不存在显著差异,而在其他温度下,不同地理种群的幼虫期存在显著差异;在22、25和28℃下,幼虫期与其栖息地纬度呈正相关,而在20和31℃下,幼虫期与其栖息地纬度呈负相关,在20、22和25℃下,最北的哈尔滨种群的幼虫期变幅不大,而其他4个种群的幼虫期随着温度的升高明显缩短。各地理种群20℃下的雌蛹、28℃下的雄蛹和31℃下的雌雄蛹期差异均不显著,其他雌或雄蛹期差异显著;各温度下的雌雄蛹期与其栖息地纬度存在正相关关系。这些研究结果揭示了广布种昆虫可以调节其自身发育历期以适应栖息地环境条件。  相似文献   
屋面绿化卷材根系层土壤温度变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据3种厚度屋面绿化卷材根系层土壤温度、自然条件下的土壤温度和附近气象站大气温度观测资料,采用对比分析、线性回归等方法,对不同屋面绿化卷材根系层土壤温度的变化特征进行了研究。结果表明:屋面绿化卷材根系层土壤温度年变化规律与大气温度年变化规律基本一致;卷材具有一定的隔热保温作用,且随着薄膜厚度的增加,绿化卷材保温隔热效果越明显;不同型号卷材根系层土壤温度的日变幅随薄膜厚度的增加而减小;根系层土温日变幅与厚度关系可拟合成指数函数;不同厚度屋面卷材根系层土壤温度同大气温度之间均存在极显著的线性关系。  相似文献   
The technique of using focused laser beams to trap and exert forces on small particles has enabled many pivotal discoveries in the nanoscale biological and physical sciences over the past few decades. The progress made in this field invites further study of even smaller systems and at a larger scale, with tools that could be distributed more easily and made more widely available. Unfortunately, the fundamental laws of diffraction limit the minimum size of the focal spot of a laser beam, which makes particles smaller than a half-wavelength in diameter hard to trap and generally prevents an operator from discriminating between particles which are closer together than one half-wavelength. This precludes the optical manipulation of many closely-spaced nanoparticles and limits the resolution of optical-mechanical systems. Furthermore, manipulation using focused beams requires beam-forming or steering optics, which can be very bulky and expensive. To address these limitations in the system scalability of conventional optical trapping our lab has devised an alternative technique which utilizes near-field optics to move particles across a chip. Instead of focusing laser beams in the far-field, the optical near field of plasmonic resonators produces the necessary local optical intensity enhancement to overcome the restrictions of diffraction and manipulate particles at higher resolution. Closely-spaced resonators produce strong optical traps which can be addressed to mediate the hand-off of particles from one to the next in a conveyor-belt-like fashion. Here, we describe how to design and produce a conveyor belt using a gold surface patterned with plasmonic C-shaped resonators and how to operate it with polarized laser light to achieve super-resolution nanoparticle manipulation and transport. The nano-optical conveyor belt chip can be produced using lithography techniques and easily packaged and distributed.  相似文献   
Dy3+ and Eu3+ activated Ca3Y2Si3O12 phosphors were synthesized by the solid‐state synthesis method. The phosphors were characterized by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), mechanoluminescence (ML), thermoluminescence (TL) and photoluminescence (PL) to determine structure and luminescence. For ML glow curves, only one peak was observed, as only one type of luminescence centre was formed during irradiation. The Ca3Y2Si3O12:Dy3+ TL glow curve showed a single peak at 151.55°C and the Ca3Y2Si3O12:Eu3+ TL glow curve peaked at 323°C with a small peak at 192°C, indicating that two types of traps were activated. The trapping parameters for both the samples were calculated using Chen's peak shape method. Dy3+‐activated Ca3Y2Si3O12 showed emission at 482 and 574 nm when excited by a 351 nm excitation wavelength, whereas the Eu3+‐activated Ca3Y2Si3O12 phosphor PL emission spectra showed emission peaks at 613 nm, 591 nm, 580 nm when excited at 395 nm wavelength. When excited at 466 nm, prominent emission peaks were observed at their respective positions with very slight shifts. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
安徽省花生田3种常见金龟子灯诱种群数量动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009-2011年连续3年利用频振式杀虫灯调查安徽省花生田3种常见金龟子成虫的种群动态,结果表明:2009-2011年3种金龟子灯诱总数整体呈下降趋势,且诱捕量为铜绿丽金龟暗黑鳃金龟华北大黑鳃金龟。华北大黑鳃金龟趋光性差,灯诱量低;暗黑鳃金龟和铜绿丽金龟初见日一般为5月中下旬,高峰期为6月中旬,但暗黑鳃金龟比铜绿丽金龟一般晚7-10 d。金龟子出土与气候关系密切,当平均气温上升至20℃-25℃持续数日并保持上升的过程中,暗黑鳃金龟和铜绿丽金龟诱捕量增大,但性比未呈现规律性差异。  相似文献   
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